Sunday, January 8, 2012

Keep Moving Forward

It was a good weekend, I think. I really feel like I accomplished alot, especially in the area of my resolutions for 2012. I really haven't sat and added in my goals on a calendar, but do have a general idea for when I want to accomplish them. For instance, the big goal, of being more organized, I want done before our adoption goes much further. So I planned to minimize, organize and deep clean each room of the house. I planned for 1 to 2 rooms a day until it was all done. This past week I finished my girls' room, SurvivorMan's room, the living room, dining room, and today the kitchen and downstairs bathroom. Mr. Hubby also worked on getting the junk out of SurviviorMan's room in the basement, and hopefully will get that completed this week.All I will have left is my room, the upstairs closet, and the basement!

But I think I should add in one more resolution, but don't want to attempt anything that I know I can't achieve. What is it you ask? Not getting mad when others in my house don't have the same ambition I do. Grrrrr, it makes me so angry when I am busting my butt to get stuff done, and others, I won't mention names, are sitting on theirs! Intellectually, I realize that these goals are mine, so therefore I should not expect others to work for them, as they are not important to them. But emotionally, well that's another story! I want them to be important to someone else, because they are to me. Especially the ones that are for the family... it will benefit everyone, not just me. I think the kids kinda got my frustration this afternoon, because they became very helpful after supper. I may have snapped a couple times about not being here to be a slave, or maybe, how all I do is cleanup after everyone... maybe... once or twice!

Nevertheless, no one said this resolution thing was gonna be easy. As with any change there will be ups and downs, positives and negatives, good days and bad. I suppose we just have to decide if the end result will be worth the work and sacrifice, and if we want to persevere. For now, I am going forward with the plans. Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully I will have a better attitude about it...

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