Friday, November 4, 2011


Take the blinders off
And see you for who you are.

Are you one who revels in the simple joys,
the here and now, the miracle of each new day?

Or wallows in despair
for past hurts and wrongdoings;
of yours and the others.

Is your future bright
like a babies peek-a-boo smile?

Or dull, like murky water,
or old pennies tossed aside?

You can spout truth and justice,
right and wrong; it's all black or white--
but you're juvenile in your claims of self-denial.

I know your secret longings--
your transgressions,
deny them all you want.
I see them in your eyes,
feel them in your thoughts.

Let go now of the past--
of what holds you apart.
Be the one you want to be.

Not the one you are...